Friday, April 22, 2016

My first Ebook is finished

Yes I did it.!!

 People did ask me many time s to write a little book about how I  make my miniature food without clay.   So I did finaly sit down and started writing down my recipes.

The book is all about using every day items like erasers, buttons, beads and paints to create cakes and other treats.

The title is Clay Free Mini treats. Miniature food made from everyday items
There are  ten basic recipes in the book with  step by step instructions and photos.
I am giving tips on what to use and where to find it. There is also plenty of variations on each recipe and hints and tips for making your unique versions .
So all in all I filled 30 pages !

You will find recipes for different 4 different  chocolate cakes, apple topped cake, 3   pies, soufflé, apple tart, mxed fruit tart and several types of petit fours.

To keep the book affordable and avoid shipping cost it will be available as an Ebook (pdf file0.

The book can be orderd from my Etsy shop

 A driect link tto the book itself :


If you prefer a paper book you can contact me  to have one printed for you at cost.