For the cardmakers room I needed lots of cards. Because I love card making I did not want to use the cut out printies you often find in magazines or on line. You can use them for they are really nice but I wanted real handmade cards.
It is actually easier to do than you might think. I made the square cards 1 cm by 1 cm because that was esay to cut. But size it does not really matter much for cards come in all shapes and sizes.
The paper you use is important. I found printer paper was too thin and the paper I use for full scale cards was too thick. The solution ?
The envelopes that come with the card blanks you buy are perfect. If you are not a card maker , recycle old envelopes. An added bonus is that the envelopes often have a different color on the inside. So you can add more interest to the cards by using that effect and you have two kinds of paper for the price of one . Love a bargain like that !
In the top photo you will see different techniques I used : Decoupage, nail art stickers, 3 d decoupage, and fabric decoupage.
Nail art is a geat way to begin making mini greetings cards. You can find all kinds of tiny stickers at dollar stores and drug stores. I really like the tiny white flowers. They look like embossed paper on the cards. Handle them carefully because they tend to break when you lift them off the sticker paper but other than that it is really easy.
There are also flat stickers, little jewels and many other things that will work for your cards.
The next thing I tried was paper decoupage. You will need to find tiny pictures for this. I ended up scanning a sheet of 3 D decoupage pictures I had and printing them in the smallest size my printer would do. All I had to do then was cut out the pictures. At first I used the whole image on the cards. Then I started adding the little bows and things. The next step was cutting out parts of the pictures and decoupaging them to the cards. I used Mod Podge and it really worked well.
Different decoupage cards ready for sale.