and tips for making potion bottles.
love making potion bottles in miniature. Over the years I have tried different
things and will share some hoping to inspire you.
You can use any kind of bottle that is small enough. There are ways
to alter the look of your bottles that
you have to deal with before filling the

On the left the bottle treated with sandpaper on the right one covered with tissue paper and Modpodge.
. To make your bottles look old
try using some sandpaper on them. Be patient and you will see the glass
become sort of mat. You can paint over this to add colour
. A frozen bottle can
be made using Mod Podge and ultra fine white glitter. Cover the bottle in Mod
Podge , sprinkle on the glitter and leave to dry. Different colors of glitter
give different effect.
Crumpled tissue paper glued to the bottles with Mod
Podge is brilliant too. When the Mod Podge has dried , paint over the wrinkled
paper to add some colour and finish with Mod Podge again. If you want to paint
on your glass bottles Mod Podge makes a great primer.
the bottle.
potions require some kind of liquid and I have tried different things. Resin
works well but it is too expensive and way too smelly for me to work with. I
read about using clear glue instead to I tried that first.

Here is a collection of glue filled bottles.
say the results looked brilliant with the glue adding a lovely shine to my
bottles and showing things like dead bugs,
chopped off heads and other stuff like mosses brilliantly.
I dug up the ones I made last year and found there has been magic happening to
my bottles when I was not looking. The glue did dry out in some bottles and
totally changed the way my stuff looked.
Some things like my dried lavender totally
changed colour , it is now a bright purple, and there are big bubbles inside the bottle rather than
looks pretty awesome but still it was a surprise. The bubbles happened a lot and did add to the
spooky effect. Some stuff dried out and did look very different but still quite
good, I have taken some pictures to show what they look like.

Last years bottles after the magic has happend to them.
Some still do like pretty much like they did last year. I have no idea why some changed, some stayed the same and some got really awful So if you want some magic to happen to your bottles I recommend trying the clear glue and leaving them for a while.
also tried water which was not a success because even with a glued on cork it
did just disappear.
started looking for other recipes and found
that now instead of the clear glue two other products are being used :
liquid soap and hair gel. It is said that these do not dry up and do not change
their appearance.
did try a few things but my new bottles are just a few weeks old so I do not
know yet if there will be any magic
happening to them.
find the gel is nice to work with because you can make layers of different
colors that will not mix and glitter will
keep floating in it.

Bottle with layers of colored and uncolored gel with little bits and glitter floating in it.
There also
are some nice little bubbles that look very good I tried some bits of dried wood and herbs and the gel did get brown within a day so I
guess it will discolor more if you keep it l longer so I think they are not a good choice.
The cleanup of
the gel is not fun...........lots of hot water to get rid of it. You can mix
the gel with food coloring or paint to get different colour It will
not dry out but I think it does shrink a little bit.
soap looks really nice but glitter and stuff sinks to the bottom right away and
it does also change colour when you put natural materials like dried moss. Of
course this means that you can mix paint
or food colouring into the soap to get fun colours. The paint did not discolour
since I did them , the ones with natural ingredients did become a murky brown.
you want to try dried stuff like moss or spices from your cupboard or other
natural items I think it is best not to
put them in any liquid at all. All the things I tried made them get soggy and
nasty looking, the liquid changed colour so much you could not see what was in
the bottles anymore Some looked very gross. Of
course you can go for it if you like that look but I think they look
better as ingredients in bottles so you can see what they look like .
ingredients like mini leaves , chopped off heads or limbs, skeletons etc do not
do well in the glue. They sort of start
to dissolve after a while .But they look pretty cool in the gel or soap.
now we are ready to make some bottles.
magic glue bottles were done with clear all purpose glue. Best to put all the
ingredients in first and then fill the bottle slowly with glue. You can use a
skewer or a pin to rearrange them if needed.
For the swamp water I used some moss from the garden and some little
stones. The rest is magic.
old swamp water with glue on the right, new bottle done with liquid soap on the left.
.. The ocean potion was done with the same moss, some
tiny shells and a little bit of light blue paint mixed into the glue. One dried
out and looks magical the other one did
not change at all so I have two different versions of the ocean one. The one on the left is the one I made this year with liquid soap.
and dried herbs from the kitchen were added to other bottles once again some
changed colour and got big bubbles inside. Some just changed colour . So the
result will be a surprise.
witch hazel bottle is filled with hair gel. I added some very fine
branches from a bunch of dried flowers
and plastic leaves. Just push them into the gel and they will stay in place
which is awesome. I made one with soap and the branches were fine but the
leaves did sink to the bottom.
raising potion was done with hair gel again. I put the head in first and then
filled the bottle with gel. The hair is doll hair ( you can use any type of
nylon hair) that I pushed into the gel. I glued some to the top of the bottle
before I put the cork in.
am just giving some basic ideas here for I am sure you will come up with lots
of stuff yourself.
the bottles is great fun too. There are tons of great labels to be found on
Pinterest. I did not add them too all the bottles for I wanted you to
be able to see the contends . Twine,
beads etc are great decorations as well as little bits of the stuff you used
inside the bottle . Like some little leaves or a bit of hair etc.
Hope you will have lots of fun making these.